Friday 23 August 2013

蒜頭蒸飯, 老薑蜜糖

蒜頭蒸飯 - 閱後傳知他人,添福添壽

一位朋友每天吃蒜頭蒸飯,晚餐用一把蒜頭切碎煮飯,半年之後高血壓消失了,痛風症消失了,坐骨神經痛亦消失了。 對於目前流行的非典型肺炎,他認為吃蒜頭是增強免疫力的方法,因為蒜頭是「窮人靈芝」,能通血管及清除毒素, 以前美軍亦用作隨身解毒劑。
蒜頭炒飯:蒜頭越多越香,拍碎,油鍋炒香蒜頭放入鹽 ,煮好的飯放如加葫椒鹽拌炒 起鍋。另一位朋友提醒要多食維他命 C以增強抵抗力,並切忌吃煎炸熱氣食物,免引致喉嚨發炎,病毒就由此攻入。


蒜頭之外﹐原來薑也是一樣有用。蒜頭及老薑是「廉價靈芝」真沒想到蒜頭及薑的好處多多! 薑對身體很有益處,愛美又想要健康的人,不妨試試看吧!
1. 約十公克的薑磨成糊狀。     2. 把薑糊放入玻璃杯裡。     3. 注入滾燙的熱開水。    
4. 加入一匙蜂蜜,拌勻後飲用。     5. 男女老少都適合飲用。
老薑切片或拍碎煮黑糖,功效一樣!連續喝兩個月 (每天早晨入浴前各喝一次) 據書本記載的見證:
(1) 身體變溫暖,手腳冰冷的『怕冷症』體質明顯改善。 (2) 體重可減輕約十公斤。 (3) 皮膚變得細嫩。
(4) 去掉多餘贅肉,腰圍變細。

Steamed Rice with Garlic    
[The following is an excerpt translated from the above for reference only. Use of terms may not be accurate according to the original.]
A friend after eating rice steamed with chopped garlic for six months, his high blood pressure, gout and sciatica symptoms disappeared. It is widely belied that eating garlic is a way of enhancing the immune system. Garlic is considered the "lingzhi" (ganoderma lucidum), for the poor. It has the effect to pass blood vessels and remove toxins from within. The U.S. military has previously used garlic as a portable antidote.
Apart from steaming, garlic can be used in cooking fried rice with salt and pepper for better taste.
Besides garlic, ginger is also beneficial to health and beauty. So give it a try!

Ginger and Honey drink:

1. About 10 grams of ginger ground into a paste.
2. Put the ginger paste in a glass.
3. Add boiling water.
4. Add a spoonful of honey, mix well
5. The drink is suitable for both men and women

(Cook crushed ginger slices with brown sugar will have the same effect.) Drinking twice daily for two months, the following is a list of proven results according to some written testimony:

(1) cold hands and feet syndrome has been improved.
(2) reduce body weight about 10 kg.
(3) the skin becomes smoother.
(4) remove excess fat, waist trimmed.

From : 健康貼士 Health Tips Collection

Wednesday 24 July 2013



民間流傳治失眠的方法頗多。如果你曾經試過失眠﹐那你一定用過或聽過一種以上幫助入睡的方法。以下是一些醫治失眠有效的方法﹐任君選擇嘗試﹐找出對你本身最有效的靈方﹕ 1。睡前兩手緊握拳頭﹐然後慢慢鬆開。一握一鬆﹐使心神放鬆下來﹐以便容易入睡。
5。睡前先躺在硬地上﹐用硬枕頭 (或厚書)。放鬆身心﹑閉眼做深呼吸五分鐘。然 後躺在床上仰臥繼續做深呼吸。當進入鬆靜安寧狀態時﹐轉向平時最舒服自然的睡姿﹐就立刻入睡了。
        按摩足脛骨內緣(距離內踝骨上六橫指)的安眠穴。 (見右圖)
11。 按摩手中穴道 中衝﹑內關和手三里。請參閱 手穴位按摩 篇。
12。 按摩以下穴道每穴36下(每9下稍停為一次﹐共做四次﹔手腳左右皆按)﹕
        (頭)﹕ 百會﹐ (手)﹕ 神門﹑內關﹐和 (腳)﹕ 太衝﹑三陰交﹑足三里。

Methods That Can Help You Sleep Fast
In common practice, there are many ways to deal with sleeplessness. You must have heard or tried some methods when you have trouble falling asleep at night. Here are some effective methods which have helped many people. You need to try them in order to find out their effectiveness. Hopefully there is one that works for you.

1. Do these steps prior to going to bed: clench your fists, then slowly release them. Shake loose your hands. Repeat steps several times. Relax your mind, then go to bed. You will easily fall asleep.

2. Rub and pull your fingers one by one with two fingers from the other hand until the fingers are relatively warm. Switch hands to work on other fingers. This can stabilize your emotion and have slight hypnotizing effect to put you to sleep.

3. Soak feet before going to bed with warm water for ten minutes to dredge the blood flow in order to let you fall asleep easier.

4. Free up all the distracting matters from you mind and pray sincerely. If you are not religious, you can count numbers instead.

5. Before going to bed, lie down on a hard floor (e.g., wood, tiles, etc.) with a hard block as a pillow (or thick books). Relax yourself, close your eyes and take deep breaths slowly for five minutes or more. Then lie down on bed on your back and continue with eyes closed, deep breaths and relaxation. When you are in a state of peace, shift to your usual, comfortable sleeping position. You will fall asleep immediately.

6. Drink a glass of apple juice with one teaspoon of honey before going to bed.

7. Drink a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of vinegar before going to bed.

8. Drink a glass of milk before going to bed.

9. Drink a glass of sweetened water before bed. This is to promote a large amount of serotonin which can generate a sense of drowsiness.

10. In treating insomnia, three acupuncture points are effective. (see diagram above)
i) the "hypnotic" point (about 5 inches above the inner ankle along the margin of the tibia); massage 1-2 minutes each side.
ii) the "spring opening" point (mid-point between the inner ankle and heel); massage 1-2 minutes each side.
iii) the "insomnia" point (deep inside the center the heel); hit 100 times each side with a health mallet (a small wooden hammer)..

11. Massage acupuncture points in your hands. To solve the sleeplessness problem, massage two points in your hands can be effective: i) "Chungchung" on the middle finger, ii) "neikuan" on the forearm below the wrist (see diagram) on "Acupressure Applications". In addition, massaging the "three mile" point on the forearm is also helpful. Massage each point gently before going to bed.

12. Massage each of the following acupuncture points 36 times (in 4 groups of 9, briefly pause after each group):
Head: Baihui (top of the head)
Hand (left and right): Shenmen, Neikuan
Feet (left and right): Taichong, Sanyinjiao and "3-miles" point on the leg.


The Simple Knee Maintenance

Simple, all you need is 10 minutes of your time daily to keep your knees healthy. After you have reached a certain age, it is common that you start to feel pain, less flexible or some kind of cracking noise on your knees.
In fact, problem is about to surface when you begin to realize the "existence" of certain parts of your body. It is no coincidence, unfortunately. You can think back the time when you were young. Did you ever have backache or pain in the neck? Did you feel pain in your shoulders or elbows? Did you ever experience weakness on your limbs? Your answers are probably "no".
Why do you have these feelings? Simply put, it is the blood flow (and chi flow along the meridians) in your body is either no longer fluent or encounters some kind of blockage. The effect is similar to the blockage of underground sewage due to lack of maintenance. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy system for smooth blood flow and chi flow.
To maintain your knees healthy, all you need is 10 minutes of time a day.
1. slap or massage the outer edge of the knees; (2 min.)
2. slap or massage the inner edge of the knees; (2 min.)
3. slap or massage the back (concave part) of the knees; (2 min.)
4. slap or massage the knee caps (2 min.)
5. Kneel down to "walk" on your knees (2 min.)
See diagram on the right. Red circles are the relavant acupuncture points.

Must do these everyday; must do these 
before any exercise. If you cannot "walk" on your knees, you can slap or massage the back of your knees instead. Elders should not run, do speed walking instead. Running can hurt your knees further. If you ever go hiking, down hill steps must put weight evenly on bottom of feet. Never put weight on toes only. Putting weight only on toes can lead to knee injury.